15 Miles on the Erie Canal

Actually it will be 27 miles on the Welland Canal, but close enough.


The morning began with a walkto Starbucks downtown Erie while John worked on the boat. We had to leave the harbor early as another storm was coming in and we had to make it across Lake Erie to get to Port Colborne, ON in order to be in line for our Erie canal journey. The water was choppy but not scary and we had a pleasant cruise to Port Colborne.


At Port Colborne we walked downtown to get some lunch at a canal side restaurant. John looked in to paying for the lock system trip tomorrow while I poked my head into a couple of little shops. On our mile walk back to the harbor we noticed a wall of giant black clouds working their way towards us, and sure enough, within minutes the rain came down. When it rains in the east, it does not mess around… it dumps. Each raindrop seemed to be an eighth of a cup of water. We had one tiny umbrella in our tiny purple daypack and we held it between us as we ran-walked toward the harbor. In just a few more minutes, the streets and sidewalks were rippling with giant puddles and rivers that we had to march through. It was very exciting! We made it to the boat and turned on the heat. Unfortunately, I forgot that my phone was in the backpack and when I unzipped the pouch it was dead in a little puddle of water.


That evening we stayed close to the boat and ate Don Cherry’s Sports Bar in the Marina.

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