Solving Mysteries

Cities are okay, but we decided we like the smaller lake towns a bit better. All these small towns we have been visiting have flowers everywhere, they are not as overwhelming as the big cities and the harbors are charming.


When we were tying up last night I heard a big splash and when I turned in the direction it came from the rings on the water in addition to the sound of the splash seemed as though someone had thrown an old fashioned TV off the dock. I looked around to see who could have thrown it, but no one was there. The mystery was solved In the morning. I popped out for a jog and on my way up the dock, in the exact same place, a gigantic fish flung itself out of the water like a breeching whale, the morning sun glistened across it’s massive brown body, lighting the edges of his fins as he came up into the air, hovered for a microsecond, then made a big plunking splash (like a television). He looked like he was four feet long and just massively chunky. The Harbormaster later told me that there were lots of huge carp in the lake, but that they don’t jump. Oh. Hmmmm. I did however ask him about the angry bees as they were after us as he was fueling up the boat, and he said that they were mud wasps! That’s why they were so mean!!! Not innocent little honey bees at all.


While I ran, John worked on email and photos and boat projects. Then we went for a walk and to lunch (the outdoor patio was closed due the the 'bee' problem), cleaned the boat and prepared to head for Brighton. Just after we arrived last evening when I was changing to go out to dinner, a swan floated serenely by the bedroom window, and as I was battening the hatches in the bedroom for departure today, the swan again floated by the bedroom window. It felt like he had greeted us with a ‘float by’ upon arrival, then wished us a Bon Voyage (Canadian swans are French speakers you know) before we left.


A cute older couple welcomed us to the Brighton, On. They are the owners, chefs, and managers of the tiny harbor and restaurant. We did a quick clean up of the boat and then hurried to dinner as they closed at 8.:00. The sunset was orange and pink and gorgeous in the west over the glassy water while the moon was rising full and bright in the eastern sky. The older lady was cooking in the kitchen and the food was unique, homemade and fantastic.

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