Kings of the Hill

After another leisurely morning, I popped back into to the restaurant – this time the lure was the butter tarts the waitress had said people drive for hours to buy. Even though this has been a fattening trip and I am trying to get serious about omitting breads and sweets (at least cutting back), how could I resist checking out that claim? I didn’t and while It was good, my life was not any better for having tried one! It was probably just ‘the gods’ testing my resolve and I did not pass the test. Luckily, my wise friend Kelly once told me years ago when I was frustrated with myself over something, “Just get up and try again tomorrow.” It’s a simple yet excellent piece of advice that I put into action often.


We walked a couple of miles to town to check it out, pick up a few things and have a little lunch, then it was time to go back to the U.S. with another pleasant cruise across Lake Ontario to Sodus Bay, NY. We pulled into the harbor where we were welcomed by the guy on the boat in the slip next to us. He lived on his boat all summer with his wife and two little dogs. He and the harbormaster recommended we try the town’s martini bar for dinner as there were 106 martinis to choose from. When we headed out for said Martini bar, there were three round-ish men sitting on the dock in beach chairs, drinking beers, watching the full moon come up. Their wives were in the salon of their boat. They all chatted with us and were very friendly. It was cute and John said it reminded him of some cartoon I’ve never seen called King of the Hill.


The food at the martini place was good, but the martinis, holy smokes were they sweet! I ordered one that sounded so unsweet – with cucumber and soda water involved and John ordered a ‘Key West’ which came with a crisp shredded coconut debris floating atop an orange syrupy liquid and on top of that a maraschino cherry and pineapple. Both were rimmed with festive two-tone colored sugar. I grazed a couple bites of the coconut from the top of John’s drink with a spoon and he ate the pineapple, then we ordered a coors light and a glass of cabernet which made us much happier.


We walked back to the boat under the full moon and the beach chair trio welcomed us back to the boat and wished us a goodnight smile when we returned a few hours later.

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