Off We Go to Oswego

Once again the morning consisted of catching up on email and business matters followed by a short walk to the downtown to get a few supplies and see the town in the daylight. Following lunch at Captain Jack’s, it was then time to cruise to our next destination of Oswego, NY to ready for our next big lock experience tomorrow. Oswego is a surprisingly cool town. The entrance to the Oswego river is flanked by factory type buildings, but just past that is a cute harbor. We were met by our neighbor, the Captain of the Queen Bee, a well kept 64’ Hatteras that the couple had custom built in 2003 and have spent their summers on since. We learned that they were wintering their boat at Winter Harbor Marina too. We asked some questions about the upcoming locks then walked to the lock building in the middle of town to see about buying our ticket for the next day of lock fun. It was closed for the day, but we were able to scope it out and make a game plan.


We perused the downtown where there seemed to be plenty of good restaurants to choose from. The town was quite lively with young people out and about enjoying the evening.

We chose to eat at the Red Sun Restaurant and sat at the bar for a change of pace. They had some unique draft handles from local beer makers (I assume) although we didn’t try one! We ordered a hot stretched bread with beer reduction and cheddar cheese dip. It was like a grown up’s donut in that it wasn’t fried or drenched in sweetness, but was hot and soft and flavorful with the beer reduction slightly sweet… very unusual and delicious. After a very nice dinner we walked to the boat and hit the hay.

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