Hidden Oasis

Tuesday night we walked through the town of Solomons Island, MD full of would have been rowdy outdoor bars but for the fact the town was fairly deserted due to the onset of the offseason.  We stopped at each bar/restaurant to have a drink and check out where might be the best spot in town for dinner. We chatted with an old guy named Emery who lived on a boat with his dog. He said he enjoyed living on the boat, but it got cold in the winter. He got a few days of respite here and there as he had a friend an hour away who skied a few times each winter and he would go and watch her dog and she had a fireplace! 

Walking on, we came across a sand ‘street’ lined with palm trees and strung with festive lights, groupings of Adirondack chairs sat under the palms in front of the of bars, a restaurant and a tobacco shop. Another spot that looked like it would be really fun if it were sunny and alive with people and music so moved on to a nice but quiet dinner at the Charles St. Brassiere. 

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