Duck Friend

Wednesday morning John went for a very, very long walk to the hardware store while I did yoga on the dock. I noticed a duck sitting at the end of the dock. He watched me for half an hour, then when I stopped doing standing poses and got low to the ground in pigeon pose, he apparently took it as a sign of welcome and waddled slowly over to sit literally two feet in front of me. I had momentary concern that his beak was right at eye level and even though I love animals, I had a moment of wondering if he might want to bite my face! However, he was very sweet and hung out with me for the next 15 minutes until I finished. I went in the galley to get him a handful of Life cereal. He thought that was great, and after eating it, he was satisfied and he waddled away.

Debbie, Mike and I then walked to town to get breakfast where we met John, then we headed out for a five hour cruise to Yorktown, VA. It was a sunny day but the windy so we ended up with 4’ seas. Fortunately the sea was behind us so while we pitched an rolled back a bit it was a fairly pleasant cruise. Nevertheless just in case we all got washed off by a rogue wave, I decided to ride it out in the salon. Everyone else stayed up top as they weren’t concerned – and rightly so as all were fine! We arrived safely into Yorktown Marina and tied up before heading off to the Yorktown Pub for dinner. We endured a very rocky night as there was no breakwall.

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