Isle of 8 Flags

Today we ran the 3 hour, 40 mile trip to Ferdinanda Beach, FL on the inside through the marshes and lowlands of Georgia.  This northernmost city in Florida is known as the Isle of 8 Flags because the island frequently changed possession and is the only place in the US to have 8 different flags flown at various times in its history.  We had heard Fernandina Beach was a charming town and it did not disappoint.  Dozens of restaurants and quality shops filled with unique items lined several streets.  We started our tour with lunch at the Salty Pelican overlooking the Amelia River before exploring the town.  Needless to say, Matt and I are not big shoppers, but we did pop in a few shops and mentioned to each other on several occassions how all the ladies we know would have particulary enjoyed this stop.  Because we were quick shoppers, we had plenty of time left over to enjoy a late afternoon of R&R on the boat before heading off for one of our nicest dinners on this trip at 23 South.  

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