Ganges, BC

Our day began with breakfast as ”Chef Jeff” christened the galley by prepared eggs and toast as our first official meal on board.  Then it was off to Ganges, BC, a 40 mile run from Rosario which also required a stop back in Poets Cove to clear customs back into Canada.  I didn’t have big expectations for Ganges but it turned out to be a real gem of a town.  Because it was Saturday, there was a Farmers Market on going so the girls did some shopping in town, while I began to cross the last view projects off my list.  Dinner was in a small house aptly named House Piccolo.

Departure day for our guests began with kayaking around Ganges Harbor and around the small islands which line the entry.  We had just enough time for lunch at the Treehouse restaurant before it was time for Don, Debbie, Chloe, Emily and Jeff and Leann to hop in a cab for the short ride to the ferry that would take them all back to Vancouver in time for work the next day.  No guests made for a very quiet evening for Timi and me the highlight of which was dinner at what is considered the best restaurant on Ganges, Hastings House.

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