Ladysmith, BC

Today we faced the longest voyage of the cruise, a 75 nm run to Ladysmith, BC.  Our first destination, however,  was a stop at the Van Isle Marina outside Victoria, BC for customs and to pick up some fuel.  Ladysmith is a fairly small town up the hill for the marina, so without a lot else to do it provided us an opportunity to break out the tender and cruise through the lovely bay/cove housing the marina.  Taking 6 people 35 miles an hour in our little 10’ inflatable jet tender entertained all (except Timi who remains convinced we’re going to flip).  We then went out to to our final dinner of the season at the Fox & Hound.

Today we headed back the 50 nm to Port Moody, BC to put the boat away from the season. Rather than add another hour to the trip for the Knauf’s and Nunziati’s we pulled into Coal Harbor and dropped them at the dock before continuing down Vancouver Harbor to the boat house.  While Tri-Shore Marine will winterize and keep and eye on the boat for me over the winter, we nonetheless spent a few hours getting things squared away before leaving with Paulo for the airport where we said our goodbyes.

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