September 02, 2018
Length of Trip: 12 days Nautical Miles Traveled: 320 Hours of Cruising: 21 hours Longest Cruising Day: 5 hours, 75 NM, Port Townsend, WA - Ladysmith, BC Pleasant Surprise: Port Townsend, WA; Escape House in Seattle, WA Biggest Disappointment: Ladysmith, BC Favorite Destination: Seattle, WA Favorite Activity: Cruising in spa on Gran Finale (Timi’s choice) Favorite Meal: Pink Door, Seattle, WA
September 01, 2018
Today we faced the longest voyage of the cruise, a 75 nm run to Ladysmith, BC. Our first destination, however, was a stop at the Van Isle Marina outside Victoria, BC for customs and to pick up some fuel. Ladysmith is a fairly small town up the hill for the marina, so without a lot else to do it provided us an opportunity to break out the tender and cruise through the lovely bay/cove housing the marina. Taking 6 people 35 miles an hour in our little 10’ inflatable jet tender entertained all...
August 31, 2018
Our next planned destination, Port Townsend, WA, was the one marina for the whole season which would not take reservations until the morning of our arrival. I didn’t think that would be a problem since we are fairly late in the season but it also didn’t occur to me that it was Labor Day weekend. Fortunately my concerns proved unwarranted as they were able to take us when I called first thing in the morning and we arrived early enough to walk to lunch at the Fountain Cafe. There we found a...
August 28, 2018
The weather was nice enough that we were again able to cruise up top for the 60 nm from La Conner to Seattle, WA. I had reserved a prime slip at the Bell Harbor Marina right downtown and just a few blocks away from Pike’s Market. Thus not surprisingly the Market was our first destination for the day where we ate lunch at Etta’s just outside the entry. Right after lunch Janette and Pete needed to depart for the airport. While Timi, Nancy and John planned to spend the afternoon shopping, I...
August 27, 2018
The weather was lovely for our 40 nm cruise to La Conner, WA. The trip involved transmitting the scenic Deception Pass spanned by a dramatic suspension bridge. The currents can be up to 12 knots through this area so we were careful to time our arrival at slack tide. Our timing was perfect, however the slack current also translated into low tide at the Swinomish Channel that leads to La Conner which resulted in some anxious moments where at times there was barely a foot or two of depth below the...
August 25, 2018
Our day began with a hike around nearby Killarney Lake which again included my father and Gus followed by a farewell brunch on the Gran Finale. From there it was nearly a 60 no run to Roche Harbor, WA where our first responsibility was to clear customs into the US. We got in just in time to explore the small town before dinner. Nancy’s neck was still bothering her so she and John took a 20 min cab to the urgent care at Friday Harbor to have things checked out while we had dinner at McMillans...
August 24, 2018
We started the day early with a bike ride joined by my father and his guest Gus through Stanley Park, along False Creek and then back to the marina through the Gas Town historic area of Vancouver. Unfortunately about 2/3rds of the way through the ride we “lost” my father who got completely turned around and arrived back at the marina a full 45 minutes behind us. From there we rafted the boats together at anchor on the other side of the Vancouver peninsula in English Bay for a BBQ rib lunch...
August 22, 2018
We had a smooth flight early morning flight which arrived right on schedule at 9:30 am allowing us to be onboard the boat in Reed Point Marina in Port Moody, BC by 10:30. We unpacked, I did a several quick projects and it was off from the boat house to Coal Harbor in downtown Vancouver, BC. Our slip was just one dock away from the Gran Finale which was awaiting my parents arrival for the last few days. This will likely be the only time the Gran Finale and Innamorata will be at the same place at...
July 30, 2018
Length of Trip: 12 days Nautical Miles Traveled: 230 Hours of Cruising: 15 hours Longest Cruising Day: Vancouver, BC - Poet’s Cove, BC 60 nm Pleasant Surprise: Ganges, BC Biggest Disappointment: Poets Cove - My father told me it was one of his favorites, we thought so-so Favorite Destination(s): Victoria BC, Rosario WA, Ganges BC Favorite Activity(ies): Hanging out on the boat puzzling, gaming, relaxing. Tea at Empress Favorite Meal: Il Terazzo, Victoria, BC
July 29, 2018
It was a “first light” departure so we could make the 50 mile trip back to the boathouse in Port Moody, MC. Weather and seas were perfect although we did notice some interesting currents and eddies in some of the narrow passages between the islands. We arrive at 11:00 and safely tucked the Innamorata back in her Canadian home until we return in a little less than a month for our final trip of the year. We were off the the airport an hour later to catch our 2:30 flight back to San Jose.

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