Posts tagged with "Trip7"

September 27, 2015
Length of Trip: 14 days Nautical Miles Traveled: 250 Hours of Cruising: 14 hours Longest Cruising Day: 7.5 hours, 100 NM, Solomons Island, MD - Yorktown, VA Pleasant Surprise: Baltimore, MD Biggest Disappointment: Yorktown, VA Favorite Destination: Annapolis, MD Favorite Meal: Theo's, St. Michaels, MD
September 26, 2015
In Cardinal at Zimmerman’s Marine we enjoyed a final very peaceful night on the dead calm lagoon (first time all week) and then bid adieu to the McNamara’s who were off to spend the weekend in NYC with their daughter. John and I departed that afternoon so spent the rest of the day cleaning, doing laundry and packing, before heading off to the airport and home to hang with the kitty!!
September 25, 2015
Debbie and I had just happened to come across the soft opening of a bakery (which we weren’t able to pull off an invite to) while scouting for restaurants the evening before and were told the Grand Opening was the next day. So, that next day we stopped there on the way to Colonial Williamsburg and had a chaotic but tasty lunch before heading out to see the ‘living museum’. Williamsburg is a pretty town and peaceful as there are no cars and big wide streets and cute ‘authentic’ shops...
September 24, 2015
We had a very rolly night on the boat in the tiny marina, so we decided to move on to our final destination which was just 15 miles away and then rent a car to continue our sightseeing. Before heading out, we took a Segway tour of Yorktown. While John assured Debbie and Mike that no one ever gets hurt on a Segway, when we were coaxed off road by our guide up a grassy hill, Debbie’s Segway tipped over and Mike almost ran over her head. Disaster was momentarily avoided and we so we segwayed on...
September 23, 2015
Wednesday morning John went for a very, very long walk to the hardware store while I did yoga on the dock. I noticed a duck sitting at the end of the dock. He watched me for half an hour, then when I stopped doing standing poses and got low to the ground in pigeon pose, he apparently took it as a sign of welcome and waddled slowly over to sit literally two feet in front of me. I had momentary concern that his beak was right at eye level and even though I love animals, I had a moment of...
September 22, 2015
Tuesday night we walked through the town of Solomons Island, MD full of would have been rowdy outdoor bars but for the fact the town was fairly deserted due to the onset of the offseason. We stopped at each bar/restaurant to have a drink and check out where might be the best spot in town for dinner. We chatted with an old guy named Emery who lived on a boat with his dog. He said he enjoyed living on the boat, but it got cold in the winter. He got a few days of respite here and there as he had a...
September 21, 2015
Monday morning we awoke to a grey blustery day. I went for a jog on the short (1.5 mile) nature trail and ran errands while John stayed aboard to meet the repairman to address a couple of minor issues that he has been trying to get addressed Debbie and Mike arrived around 11:00 to an almost empty St. Michael's harbor. 75% of the boats that had been here on the weekend were gone. I wondered how we were going to keep Mike and Debbie from going stir crazy, without great bike riding or kayaking...
September 19, 2015
We said Aloha to Lombardis, and proceeded to drown our sorrows in laundry and general boat turnover. Later we had a lovely cruise to St. Michaels where thanks to Don’s previous coaching as a first mate, we had a flawless docking even when I had to lasso the pylons for a fixed dock pier tie. St. Michaels is considered one of the top ten best coastal towns according to USA Today and the St. Michaels Marina in the top 25 in the nation according to Power & Motor Yacht Magazine. We had three...
September 18, 2015
We had another beautiful cruise from Rock Hall to Annapolis where we perused the lovely town. That evening John’s childhood classmate Ann and her husband Jeff stopped by for drinks on the boat. We all had a nice Italian dinner at Osteria. Friday morning as part of the morning boat prep Don installed a spring on the fly bridge refrigerator that holds it up and keeps it from slamming on one’s head – which we all agree is excellent! We walked through town to check out the shops and have...
September 16, 2015
We had another beautiful cruise from Rock Hall to Annapolis where we perused the lovely town. That evening John’s childhood classmate Ann and her husband Jeff stopped by for drinks on the boat. We all had a nice Italian dinner at Osteria. Friday morning as part of the morning boat prep Don installed a spring on the fly bridge refrigerator that holds it up and keeps it from slamming on one’s head – which we all agree is excellent! We walked through town to check out the shops and have...

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